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Manatee Rescue & Rehabilitation Partnership

To support, enhance, and inspire conservation and stewardship of manatees.

Making A Difference

Florida manatees face many threats including watercraft strikes, cold stress, red tide, entanglement, entrapment, and habitat loss. A concerted effort is underway to rescue, rehabilitate, release, and monitor sick and injured manatees. The Manatee Rescue & Rehabilitation Partnership (MRP) works as a cooperative of agencies, organizations, and oceanaria, to rescue, rehabilitate, and release manatees.


Our Mission:

To inspire and advance manatee conservation by partnering cooperatively in manatee rescue, rehabilitation, release, and monitoring efforts; improve understanding of manatee biology and health through scientific research; and promote stewardship and financial support through public education.





Our Partners work tirelessly to ensure that they respond to every call of a manatee in need.

Our critical care Partners provide round-the-clock care for manatees suffering from a range of ailments.


Post-Release Monitoring

To ensure their success, we monitor released manatees through satellite tracking and visual observations.

Who We Are

The Manatee Rehabilitation Partnership (MRP) was established in late 2001 and marked the beginning of a new era of cooperation in the manatee rehabilitation effort. Prior to the formation of the Consortium, state and federal agencies exclusively provided post-release monitoring for Florida manatees rehabilitated at permitted and contracted manatee rehabilitation facilities in Florida. Because it is difficult to maintain funding levels necessary to meet all of the escalating manatee conservation needs, these agencies were no longer able to bare sole responsibility to provide this service. However tracking the fate and health of rehabilitated and released manatees is essential to determining the successful contribution of the rehabilitation program to the recovery of Florida manatee populations.

Report a Sick, Injured, Dead, or Tagged Manatee

Please call FWC's Wildlife Alert Toll-Free Number 

1-888-404-FWCC (1-888-404-3922)
Cellular phone customers: *FWC or #FWC


Please be prepared to answer the following questions:

  • What is the exact location of the animal?

  • Is the manatee alive or dead?

  • Is the manatee tagged?

  • How long have you been observing the manatee?

  • What is the approximate size of the manatee?

  • What is the location of the public boat ramp closest to the manatee?

  • Can you provide a contact number where you can be reached for further information?

The above information is the most important you can provide; however, any additional information will be helpful.


How to Help a Stranded Manatee


  • Do not touch or feed the manatee.

  • Observe from a safe distance and keep other people away.

  • Note the manatee's condition. Does it appear weak, skinny, have open wounds?

  • Look for any obvious identification - tag or markings.

  • Determine the manatee's exact location for accurate reporting.

  • Report the manatee using the above information.


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©2024 by Manatee Rescue & Rehabilitation Partnership

Activities conducted under USFWS permit #MA770191

Photo Credits - MRP Partners

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